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Writer's pictureIgniteGenerations

Site Launch / April Newsletter

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

Blessings Dear Friends!!

WE MOVED!!! Well, it was a long journey from Durham to Clayton, but we can joyously say that nearly every box has been unpacked and put away and our tent pegs have been secured. We have already hosted many of our young adult friends!

THANK YOU FOR THE SHIFT! Thank you so much for your willingness to “make the shift” from Reliant Missions over to our new ministry platform on FaithLife with New Bethel Church Raleigh, NC. We knew we needed a strong, partnering church as we discipled young adults and college students. We are beyond blessed with our alignment with the New Bethel Church Raleigh family.

OUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH NEW BETHEL CHURCH. We are pictured left at the home of our lead pastor, Marcus Plating and his family as we shared a traditional Ghanian-delicious- meal. The leadership are fully supportive of our ministry as we collaborate to create a “culture of discipleship” in order to receive the “HARVEST” of young people we anticipate. The discipleship series launched in early February and culminated on March 27 with Margie and Joe sharing in the service. After preaching we invited people to fill out a Pledge Card—to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission. Many pledged to be world changers! PICS OF US PREACHING

CAMPUS OUTREACH. On Saturday March 12, we partnered in an outreach at NC State campus, with “Miracles and Atheists,” run by Nick Snapp, a brother from New Bethel. M&A is a regular podcast where Nick engages in stimulating discussion with atheists, agnostics, and anyone that doesn’t profess to be a believer in Jesus or the Bible. We did the live podcast close to Tally Student Union. During the broadcast, we talked and prayed with students and fed them hot dogs and chips. We encountered a man who had a powerful encounter with God, and he will be featured on this month’s podcast. We have begun regular prayer walks with our developing team. We stand on Jesus’ word to, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are ripe and ready for harvest” [Jn.4:35]. MIRACLES AND ATHEIST’S LINK; PICTURES OF M&A;

NEW WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK. Finally, we are in the process of designing both a website and a Facebook page. On these 2 platforms, we’ll be able to post updates that you can check out anytime you want to know what’s the latest. Here are the links to both: Website:; and Facebook:IgniteGen. If you to our FB page, let us know what you think. Our friends, Jason Deramo ignited us to create the website and Greg Flowers helped us launch FaceBook. We bless these brothers with every spiritual blessing in Christ and are so grateful for their love and support!

IgniteGEN: OUR NEW NAME. Many of you asked: “What’s the name of your ministry?” We would respond with, “I dunno, … ‘Jesus’ work with young people on campus?” We had prophetic words over the past two decades about being “igniters” and “igniting fires” and so many images of the ‘fire’ of God. We are called to IGNITE, INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE our generation of “baby boomers” to not retire from active duty in the army of God, but to enlist to spiritually parent the next generation. We also want to mobilize young and old alike to fulfill the Great Commission to “Go, and make disciples.” (Matthew 28:28) So, IgniteGen, or Ignite Generations best describes that.

SPEAKING OF RETIREMENT. Look who retired from her job with the State of NC! As Margie says, “I retired from full-time social work to start working with Joe full-time in the ministry. The time is now; the harvest is ready!”

WE LOVE YOU AND THANK GOD FOR YOU. We could not do our work with young people and spiritual parents without YOU!!! We think of you all every day and pray for you and your families. Please call, write or text us with prayer requests as we “pray without ceasing, remembering you in our prayers.”

For HIS glory,

Margie and Joe


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